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Lorena Maduro
Director - Business process solutions

Lorena Maduro

Lorena is the director of Business Process Solutions (BPS) and has been with the company since 1987. Lorena started her career as an assistant in the audit department and was mostly dedicated to the audit of hotels and casinos. After approximately 10 years she made a switch and started the accounting and compilation department of our company. Lorena has extensive experience and knowledge regarding compilation of financial statements in general. Besides compilation of financial statements, as director of the Business Process Solutions (BPS) department of Grant Thornton Aruba, Lorena supervises the bookkeeping and the payroll services of our clients. Clients appreciate Lorena for the sincere interest she shows in assisting their businesses and for the valuable financial advices.


Lorena Maduro
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Director - Business process solutions
Lorena Maduro
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